Thursday, April 5, 2018

The Memory Stones

I very much enjoyed The Memory Stones by Caroline Brothers which begins in Argentina at the time of the military coup in 1976.  The circumstances ordinary people found themselves in was something they would never have imagined could happen in a "civilised" society.  The story is told with great sensitivity as the reader feels the terror and the fears of ordinary citizens.  Osvaldo Ferrero is a doctor who flees Argentina when his cartoon depicting the new regime is published.  He leaves behind his wife, Yolanda, to search for their second daughter, Graciela.  Their elder daughter, Julieta, is already living in Mexico.  The years go by and Graciela cannot be found.  Yolanda joins a group who demonstrate peacefully and actively search for the people now known as "the disappeared".  This is a country's tragic story, beautifully written.  Highly recommended. 5/5

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