Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Murder House

I quite enjoyed Murder House by James Patterson & David Ellis which is set in a seaside town on the American Atlantic coast.  Detective Jenna Murphy is investigating a number of murders which are associated with a very old house on Ocean Drive.  Jenna was hounded out of another police precinct because she blew the whistle on bad cops.  So now she's working with her uncle who is Chief of Police in this new area.  More murders take place and Jenna is convinced she knows who the murderer is.  The story gets more complicated as doubts creep in.  Jenna narrates the chapters which tell her story.  The murderer's story is told in the third person and he/she is not revealed to the reader until the end.  No. 7 Ocean Drive is a really creepy old house where several murders took place over the centuries - a family tradition.  It is quite suspenseful as the reader tries to work out who the murderer is.  Has a good twist at the end. 4/5

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