Thursday, July 27, 2017

Songs of A War Boy

I very much enjoyed Songs of a War Boy by Deng Thiak Adut.  It is a memoir of the author's life when he was a small child in South Sudan, a seven-year-old soldier, a refugee who came to Australia, and his education to tertiary level in Australia.  I felt immense sadness that such small children were used as weapons in the terrible war in Sudan.  When Deng came to Australia he learned his English with extensive reading.  Even The Wiggles helped him with the English language, which is a difficult language to learn.  He did his law degree at University of Western Sydney, a tremendous achievement considering where he'd come from and the difficulties of university life.  Deng is a remarkable young man.  Then Premier of New South Wales, Mike Baird, invited Deng to give a speech on Australia Day.  Reading this very moving speech, I see this man as a leader not just of his own community but for all Australians. 5/5

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