Sunday, March 11, 2018

Under the Eye of the Clock

I enjoyed Under the Eye of the Clock by Christopher Nolan which is a memoir about the author's school days in Ireland.  Nolan has written in the third person and used the character Joseph Meehan to tell the story from a different perspective.  Born in 1965 to a loving family who refused to acknowledge his limitations of his disability.  They recognised Christopher was an intelligent person and found ways for him to express his thoughts by communicating with a typewriter.  It would have been tedious and a labour of love for those who helped him write with a stick attached to his head.  He went to a "normal" school with the support of students and teachers.  After school  he was accepted in to Trinity College.  This book was originally published in 1987, republished in 2013. Computer technology has now made it easier for similarly disabled people to express themselves.  Nolan fulfilled his dreams as an author and showed his readers that dreams can come true. 4/5

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