Friday, February 9, 2018

We Were Liars

I liked We Were Liars by E. Lockhart which is a haunting story about four teenagers.  The narrator is Cady now 17.  Two of the group, Mirren and Johnny are Cady's cousins and the other member, Gat, is a "ring-in" whom Cady loves.  They all go to an island with their mothers for their summer holidays every year.  The island is owned by their wealthy grandfather and his daughters have constant arguments about their inheritance and their children's inheritance.  When they were holidaying there two years previously, something happened which left Cady with serious memory loss and constant migraines.  The story goes back and forth between these two time periods until Cady and the reader learns what happened when Cady and the other teenagers were there when they were 15. Clever writing.  I liked the "fairy tales" which explained the story.  4/5

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