Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Not Just Black and White

I enjoyed Not Just Black and White by Lesley and Tammy Williams.  The authors Lesley and daughter Tammy are Aboriginal women who are telling their story as a memoir/oral history.  Most of the book is Lesley telling Tammy about her life, which was fascinating.  Lesley was born in the late 1940s at the Aboriginal settlement of Cherbourg under the "Protection Act".  As a child, her life was rich in love from her extended family but their lives were strictly regulated.  Lesley and her contemporaries were educated so they would be suitable for working on properties as housemaids.  Lesley was sent to work at outback properties and was not always treated kindly.  Later she was sent to work for a wealthy family in Brisbane and this experience helped change her life.  Lesley went on to live her life devoted to her family ensuring her children had a good education.  She was a courageous woman who raised awareness of the "stolen wages" issue where aboriginal workers wages were put in a "trust fund" by the government which they were not able to access.  Lesley's story is about a brave woman who overcame life's challenges with grace and pride.  Recommended. 4/5

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