Friday, July 22, 2016

Treading Air

I enjoyed Treading Air by Ariella Van Luyn which is set in Brisbane and Townsville in 1945 and 1922.  The author has painted a vivid picture of life in Townsville in the 1920s. The story begins with her central character Lizzie O'Dea in 1945 Brisbane in a lockup  recovering from "the clap", a gift from a Yank soldier.  Her husband Joe is due for release from prison after a 20 year sentence.  The story moves to the 1920s when she first meets Joe and sparks a fire which burned for many years.  Joe and Lizzy move to Townsville where Joe works at the abattoir and Lizzie tries to fill her boring days.  She's not cut out to be a housewife and when circumstances change she embraces a more lucrative occupation.  The characters are very well-drawn and believable so the reader can get inside their heads, particularly with Lizzie, so we know exactly how she feels. There is strong language and the attitudes reflect the time and place where the story is set.  The author discovered these characters actually existed and built the story around them. This is the author's debut novel.  Read an interview with her here. 4/5

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