Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Russian Court at Sea

I enjoyed The Russian Court at Sea by Frances Welch which tells the true story of the rescue of surviving Romanovs as they go in to exile.  The large contingent of people include the Tsar's mother, the Dowager Empress Marie and also the Tsar's sister Grand Duchess Xenia.  There are family members from different generations as well as bodyguards and servants.  The British battleship, HMS Marlborough, picked up the refugees from Yalta and this action saved their lives.  There is a daily account of life on board the Marlborough and well as background stories about the different people on board so the reader learns more about them, including the naval officers.  The Marlborough takes them to Malta when they are taken by another ship to England.  The book is well-researched and tells an interesting story about the history of this turbulent time. 4/5

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