Monday, April 22, 2013

The Racketeer

I enjoyed The Racketeer by John Grisham, a story about Malcolm Bannister who has already served five years in an American Federal prison for a crime he didn't commit.  Malcolm is a lawyer (or was before he was imprisoned) and carefully constructs an intricate plan to win his freedom.    On the "outside" the FBI is trying to find the murderer of a Federal Court judge and they're having little success.  While in prison Malcolm has helped out many prisoners with their appeals and has sometimes been successful, therefore gaining a good reputation within the prison.  He has had plenty of time to plot his revenge and it gradually all comes together, but the reader is constantly wondering if he will "get away with it." The story is highly incredible and the reader will need to suspend belief and "go along for the ride".  It has many twists and turns and the reader won't be sure how it ends till the end. 4/5

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