I very much enjoyed this thriller
Before I Go To Sleep by S.J. Watson which is about a woman with a particular kind of amnesia. Christine wakes every day and doesn't know who she is, who is in her life (who is that strange man sleeping beside her?). Each day her patient husband Ben explains that she had an accident 20 years earlier which has caused her unusual amnesia. He has a scrap book with photographs to remind her who she is and who he is. He goes off to work each day and leaves her to her own devices. She begins seeing a new doctor who encourages her to keep a journal (and hides it from her husband). Each morning her doctor phones her on a mobile phone he's given her to remind her where her journal is. So she learns anew any information she had learned in the previous days and continues to add to her journal. Her doctor feels that this process will help in her recovery. She continues to keep the journal hidden until after some time she proposes to tell her husband about it. Then the mystery deepens and the reader is gradually aware that all is not what it seems and we come to the climax of the story. Highly recommended. 5/5
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