Tuesday, August 7, 2012

August 2012 Book Club

We had an enjoyable evening at host Jenny's place last night.  The delicious supper went down well with the champagne and later a cuppa.  We had a double dose of new books as my books from the last month had arrived late so I presented my new books and Jenny had hers as well.  Liz is away traveling in Europe and hopefully having a wonderful time.  Bev will be off soon for a short trip in her new caravan, which will be very exciting.  Penny will be away for several weeks traveling overseas very soon. Sadly a new member who joined us earlier this year regrets she can no longer be involved due to other commitments.  We will miss her.  I won't be coming next time as I have another engagement that day.  Anyway, we will enjoy reading the wealth of books at our disposal.

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